Hi there :)

Welcome to my IP project! My name is Mariel - Cartoonist Extraordinaire! (Sort of) I'm a senior in the
U of M school of Art and Design. I'm a feminist, a Neo-Pagan* and a bisexual woman. I am proud of each of these things, but not everyone feels so positively about them. I began to feel like I needed to lend a voice to people like me; groups that are so often parodied, villified, and generally treated like crap.  I hope that this will be a part of that voice.
(Do you have a personal story that relates to one of these themes? Would you like to see it told in a comic? If so, please check out "About > The Project" for further details :D You might just get your very own cameo in the comic! You should also do this if you'd just like to know more about it in general :D)

*Neo-Paganism is a resurgence of nature-based spirtuality. We hug trees. :)